We know what those weirdly happy von Trapp kids were singing about in The Sound of Music, and it wasn’t the lederhosen. It’s hard not to be excited when you’re performing in a place that is at once staggeringly beautiful and musically fascinating. To tour Austria is to visit the historic cradle of classical music, to step back in time to medieval castles, Romanesque churches, and baroque palaces, and to enjoy breathtaking Alpine scenery and the bustle of some of Europe’s most impressive modern cities. It wasn’t just Julie Andrews who was inspired to let loose a Do-Re-Mi while in this idyllic locale; great composers and musical masters such as Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss, Brahms, and Haydn each called Austria home. Austria brings classical music to life like no other country, and we’ll help you discover the magic it has in store for you. (Lederhosen not included.)

Mozart’s Birthplace: Visiting Mozart’s birthplace in Salzburg is probably the only way to find out whether greatness is contagious. While you’re soaking up all that excellence, have a look at original portraits, little Wolfie’s childhood violin, and the clavichord on which he composed The Magic Flute. You may not catch the genius bug, but we’re sure you’ll be inspired!

The Sound of Music Tour: Gallivant around as if Julie Andrews were your governess between the film locations of The Sound of Music. The numerous sites in Salzburg include the Mirabell Gardens and Palace where the von Trapp children sang Do-Re-Mi, and in nearby Mondsee, visit the basilica where (Spoiler Alert!) Maria and Captain von Trapp tied the knot. It’s enough to make you twirl around on a hillside!